Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ADHD... A blessing and a curse

I don't know what is going on with me lately, but I swear, if my brain gets any more random, stringing together a coherent sentence is going to be as likely as hitting a lottery jackpot. Don't believe me? Just keep reading and you will see.

Some days I think my ADHD is a blessing. I don't easily get bored, because there is always a new distraction to entertain me. Lately, I've begun to feel like I'm cursed.

I can't manage to finish anything I've started. I have a manuscript that is almost 500 pages long and I am freaking out because the story isn't finished. I haven't gotten to the good stuff yet. So what do I do? I start editing the damn thing, thinking that if I start cutting out unnecessary stuff, I can get the story back under control. No problem, right? This has triggered rounds of edits, each product more frustrating than the last and I still haven't finished the book.

At least I figured that I could cut some stuff out and not damage the story. (One of the deleted scenes is going to be expanded to either a novella or its own book- just depends on how it works out.)

So instead of continuing the irritating cycle, I start working on something else with hopes that when I return to this story, I will be able to look at it with fresh eyes and fix the problems that plague me.

So I start on a completely different book and things are going pretty good but then I get sidetracked--creating playlists on Spotify and pinning pictures on Pinterest-- they go with the books, so it is for research and inspiration. Then I end up spending more time pissing my life away on social media than I should.

And then there's the family to care for, kids' homework to explain, clothes to wash, and food to cook. Then I lie awake half the night worrying about all I haven't accomplished. Sleep alludes me...

Yeah, it is just like that...

I need allergy medicine and sleep... hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to attempt to function. Of course there might be something else to distract me... Oh, look! Reruns...

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