Thursday, August 28, 2014

Character details... an age discussion

After seeing a question posted by another author, I am forced to really think about how I approach a particular aspect of my own characters- their ages.

You see, the question that was posed to a group of readers was how they feel about the New Adult (NA) genre. The question was posed to gauge the reactions of readers if she were to incorporate a younger heroine in her WIP. The general consensus was that a character that fell within the 18-25 age range would not be mature enough to function believably within the story the author was creating. I was in the minority. But I got to thinking about my own experiences when I was that age and I realize that it was my own experiences that taint my view of just how mature people that age can be.

I met my husband when I was 16 years old and we started dating a year later. He proposed to me the night BEFORE my high school graduation. When we broke the news to our families a couple of weeks later, we were told that we needed to wait, that at 18 and 20, we were just too young. Of course, I didn't really buy into that theory.

Fast forward three years...

That couple that was just too young is still together. In fact we were married and had two small children by that time. My husband had finished his degree and commissioned as an officer in the US Army and went on active duty mid August of 2001. Three weeks into his Officer Basic Course, our nation was brought to its knees by the attacks of 9/11. It was at that point that I knew my husband, the father of my children, would be called upon to defend our country. Almost two years and one more child later, he did indeed deploy to Iraq. He was gone for an entire year.

I don't know if it was the way the world changed at that time or if it is just the way I always was. I know I never did go through a wild or rebellious faze. I was the one that my parents could depend on. I didn't cut class without permission, I didn't sneak out at night, and I almost always followed all of the rules. I did go out and party, but I never came home falling down drunk or missing clothing. I have never experienced a hangover (this really irks people sometimes), had a fling, or did anything that I should regret. I married young and had kids young- 4 by the age of 25, the oldest limit of the NA range. So, I guess I don't understand the typical angst that plagues the literature directed towards that age group or the  notion that people that age can't be emotionally stable, find enduring love, or make major decisions.

I guess that I write what I know. Myself and my circle of friends were always more mature than our peers and that is reflected in the characters I create. In one of my current WIP, the characters are young, 18 in the opening and 24 by the end, but I don't consider the story NA--it is just a story about a couple of people who happen to be young. They are still just as mature as some of my older characters and in a lot of ways, more prepared to handle what life is going to throw at them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ADHD... A blessing and a curse

I don't know what is going on with me lately, but I swear, if my brain gets any more random, stringing together a coherent sentence is going to be as likely as hitting a lottery jackpot. Don't believe me? Just keep reading and you will see.

Some days I think my ADHD is a blessing. I don't easily get bored, because there is always a new distraction to entertain me. Lately, I've begun to feel like I'm cursed.

I can't manage to finish anything I've started. I have a manuscript that is almost 500 pages long and I am freaking out because the story isn't finished. I haven't gotten to the good stuff yet. So what do I do? I start editing the damn thing, thinking that if I start cutting out unnecessary stuff, I can get the story back under control. No problem, right? This has triggered rounds of edits, each product more frustrating than the last and I still haven't finished the book.

At least I figured that I could cut some stuff out and not damage the story. (One of the deleted scenes is going to be expanded to either a novella or its own book- just depends on how it works out.)

So instead of continuing the irritating cycle, I start working on something else with hopes that when I return to this story, I will be able to look at it with fresh eyes and fix the problems that plague me.

So I start on a completely different book and things are going pretty good but then I get sidetracked--creating playlists on Spotify and pinning pictures on Pinterest-- they go with the books, so it is for research and inspiration. Then I end up spending more time pissing my life away on social media than I should.

And then there's the family to care for, kids' homework to explain, clothes to wash, and food to cook. Then I lie awake half the night worrying about all I haven't accomplished. Sleep alludes me...

Yeah, it is just like that...

I need allergy medicine and sleep... hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to attempt to function. Of course there might be something else to distract me... Oh, look! Reruns...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Sleep is such a precious commodity these days.


I know I've shared some of the madness that is my life with you over the past month and as you might guess, I don't find a lot of time for things like sleep. Balancing my family and professional life takes up roughly 24.76 hours each day, leaving no time for anything else. But hopefully, things are about to change.


This is the last post of the month. I managed to make it through the A-Z challenge! I wish I could say that now this is over, I can get some extra sleep but honestly, thirty more minutes isn't really all that much. I'll take it though. I need all of the sanity restoring rest I can get.


Finishing the challenge does mean I can hit the hay a little earlier, but I'm going to miss doing this. I have enjoyed my first month of blogging. It has been a great experience and I would like to thank all of you that took the time to read my posts.


Soon, I am going to start focusing on posting info on my works in progress. It is the main reason I started this blog in the first place. I hope that by June, I will be able to focus fully on writing and letting folks know about my progress as I move toward publishing.


By the way, for those that are curious, I ended up abandoning my NaNo project for this month. I was just too overwhelmed. I'm going to give it another try when the next camp starts up in July but for now, I'm going to worry about making it through the rest of the school year.


I think I can! I think I *yawn* can. I think... I... Zzzzz......


Tuesday, April 29, 2014


There is nothing better than freedom. So often, we spend an unfortunate amount of time wishing we could escape from certain experiences. When we finally get away from whatever it is, we shout for joy or do a little happy dance.


There is just something about finally getting a chance to escape. I love the feeling of euphoria when the torture is over. When you finally get to shed the shoes after a long day, or when you finally get to lose the bra (or any other constrictive clothing) and lounge about in pajamas.


Right now I am counting down the days...


It will be great to finally get a chance to sleep in. To spend my time the way I want. I really need time on the golf course, a relaxing beach vacation, and time to unwind. I want to stay up to late playing cards with friends. And most of all, I want to find a way to coax my muse out of hiding.


She is currently cowering in a corner, beaten into submission by the obligations of adult life. I'm hoping that I can manage to get the chance to lure her back into the light, maybe get her the therapy she needs and make her get her ass back to work.

Monday, April 28, 2014

X Marks the Spot

In the movies, there is always treasure map with an X that marks the spot where you can find the treasure. Unfortunately, real life doesn't work that way but sometimes we get lucky and find one of life's hidden treasures. This weekend provided such an opportunity.


We went to my cousin's wedding. It was an outdoor venue on the lake. The entire scene was lovely. Sunset over a peaceful lake, music playing in the background, it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


The bridal party stayed the weekend in cabins on the lake and after spending six hours soaking up the beauty of the area; my husband and I decided to make plans to go back for our own weekend getaway.


Of course, my hubby and I have very different ideas of how such a weekend should be spent. Being raised an outdoorsman, he wants to spend his time fishing. I, personally, don't see the appeal of spending countless hours dangling a bait in front of a fish. I'm more into things like swimming, sunbathing, and of course reading and writing.


I'm looking forward to taking a little break from life and enjoying the serenity of nature. I have a feeling that it is just what my tired muse needs.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


My family has been growing in leaps and bounds here lately. Over the past couple of years, several of my family members have gotten engaged so we have been hearing wedding talk for a long time. The great thing is that soon the madness will be over but it has been a wild wedding year for us. 


In October, it was one of my cousins. Rain attempted to make that one difficult. It was originally supposed to be an outdoor service but the weather had other ideas so we crammed my huge family into a little building to watch the lovebirds say their vows. It was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't be happier for the pair.


In February, it was my sister. Now this one was stressful. I had the honor of being the matron of honor, my oldest daughter was a bridesmaid and my youngest was one of the flower girls. Our family tends to do our own catering, my mother doing a lot of the work. Two weeks before the wedding—when we still had a ton of cooking to do—my mother broke her shoulder. Somehow, we managed and now we can relax and just attend the next few.


Today, another of my cousin's ties the knot. He is the first of the younger guys in the family to get married. It gives me hope for my brothers (maybe). I have another cousin getting married in June and as far as I know, that’s it. We will have a break for a while. There are still six of the younger ones unmarried in my generation but it won't be long until my older cousin's children are old enough to start hearing wedding bells.


At this rate, I end up related to half the country...



I may have mentioned that I have a slight reading problem... You know the kind of compulsive behavior that drives me to read 100+ books a year.


So far this year has been more writing than reading but I am back on track with my reading. I recently picked up an Amazon freebie; a six book set of vampire stories. I can’t help but feel that this is part of a cycle. Mainly because it seems that every time I fall off the reading wagon, it seems to be vampires that draw me back in.


When I was a kid, it was a book on vampire mythos and their origins that turned me into a book addict. I started reading anything and everything I could, and then half way through junior high, I lost interest. I went over a year without reading a single book, not even the required reading for class.


When I was fifteen, I just had to see Interview with a Vampire, mainly because it had some of the hottest actors in Hollywood. I absolutely loved the movie; I completely fell in love with the story and I had to read the book. It only took a couple of days for me to read the book cover to cover and I by then I was completely hooked. I read the entire series as fast as possible and then found more to read from there. That one book started a reading binge that has lasted over fifteen years. I slip occasionally but there are plenty of vampire books out there to keep reeling me back in.


Now I need to go fight with my eight year old, she wants to watch a show about vampires...


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Under the Sea

"Under the sea, under the sea..."


Yes, as I get towards the end of the challenge, I am having a hard time coming up with topics. Some letters are just so difficult. I guess I could write about unicorns but that wouldn't give me the opportunity to tell you about my Disney addiction.

I may have mentioned it before, but I really love Disney, Thankfully, I'm not alone in my obsession; my husband, kids, sister, in-laws, etc. all share in this crazy fixation.

We eagerly wait for the next animated movie to come out, YouTube the soundtrack as soon as we get home, and memorize every song and trailer before the DVD is released.

We are the people who order the vacation planning video every year and start the countdown to the next vacation two days after we leave the parks. And most of us agree that if we ever win the lottery, our first purchase will be a massive Disney trip for our entire family (it would take a pretty big jackpot to pay for it, believe me we’ve got the figures down). If this isn’t bad enough for you, just wait; it gets worse.

We speak in movie quotes and burst out into song at the strangest moments. Like today, while riding home from a ball game we all started talking about how hungry we were. This leads to everyone listing what little they’ve eaten today. I said I had a sandwich for lunch, which prompted my oldest daughter to start singing a song from the movie “Frozen.” Instead of rolling my eyes at the goofy kid, I start singing with her and we’re soon joined by the others.

And this is totally normal behavior for us….

Be afraid, be very afraid…

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Time Out!

Mommy needs a time out right about now.


It's kinda funny. I am a super competitive person. I played sports in high school and at one time, had planned to become a high school coach. Family obligations may have changed the dream a little, but I still have a deep love of sports and I love to watch my children play. But, I want games to be fair.


I'm the fan in the stands that will yell at officials for missing calls—on both sides of the ball—especially when a no-call can end up getting someone hurt. People tend to move away from me, not wanting to be associated with the banshee that is determined to tick off the officials. You see, I am very OCD about the rules and even though I understand that umpires and referees are human, I want the calls to be right every time.


When I told my family that I was going to be coaching this year, my father-in-law jokingly said he'd be watching the news to see when I made headlines for doing something to get kicked out of a game. At the time, I called him an ass. But, tonight... well... I almost proved him right. The problem was that we had an umpire that was a little more human than most (at least in my opinion) and several poor calls put us in a bad situation.


Bad news is that we couldn’t overcome the score deficit and we lost our game. Good news is that I managed to keep my cool and stay in the game (and off the police blotter). I think I deserve a cookie for that one...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


If I had to pick one pet peeve, it would be stupidity. The sad thing is that it seems to be running more rampant than in years past.


I had a 'you've got to be kidding me' moment earlier today when I learned that the school provides snacks for the kids who have to stay for detention. Seriously? You know, when I was in school, detention meant having to scrape gum off the bleachers in the gym or raking pine straw in front of the school. It was enough of a drag that it discouraged kids from getting into trouble again. Now, they just sit in an air-conditioned room and eat junk food. Am I the only one who sees the problem here? You know there is a reason that this discipline system isn't working.


I fear the lasting effects from this ineffective form of discipline. In fact, the book I am currently working on has such a character. Everything that this character has ever done wrong has always been laid at someone else's feet... Let's just say that the character in question is bat-shit crazy and manages to commit some of the most horrible crimes imaginable.


It makes me wonder, what will be the outcome if we continue on this road?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Right Now

Right now, I am finally relaxing after a seriously stressful day. 

It is the last day of our Easter break and I was determined to get something done around the house. Well, at least make the kids do something. Considering the fact that they are the ones that made the mess, it is only fair that they should clean it up. Getting them to actually do the work is like convincing a cat to take a bath. I started off by giving them a time limit and a reward for finishing the job on time—homemade milkshakes.

Apparently, that is not enough motivation to get the job done. Seven and a half hours after the initial deadline, there is still assorted flotsam strewn about the floor and the couches have been pushed together in the center of the room. I have tried everything. I have bargained, pleaded, and given them constant reminders. I have yelled, begged, and threatened to take away all privileges until they turn forty. Nothing worked. The oldest did managed to make some progress in her room so I guess that’s something. The others only managed to get my blood pressure up and make me seriously think that I need to research military school.

At least my ice cream is safe for a while longer.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Queen Adelyn

Yesterday, I get a phone call from my aunt asking about getting the kids together to dye Easter eggs. It made me smile because that was how we always did things when I was growing up. We would pile as many cousins as we could around a table outside at my grandmothers and we would dye eggs together.


First off, I think that it is awesome that we are continuing the tradition. My cousins and I were always close and I love that the next generation is growing up together like we did. Secondly, the call made me think of all the things we used to do as kids.


I could tell dozens of stories about the crazy things that we came up with when we were growing up; we were definitely an interesting bunch. The thing is that, as the oldest, I always was the one in charge. I was the queen of our little band. I was the one who bossed the younger ones around and taught them how to play by my rules.


Some days, I wish I could go back to that. I wish that I could sit back on my throne and order the peons around. Maybe the Easter Bunny can hook me up...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Pass the Tony's

The great thing about living in Louisiana is the food.


I know there are plenty of places that you can get 'authentic Cajun food.' But let me tell you, nothing compares to food cooked by a real Louisianan. Gumbo, étouffée, shrimp creole, you can't get the real stuff anywhere else.


I have a big family and we like to cook. Tonight's menu was typical fare for a Good Friday. Boiled crawfish with deer sausage, corn and potatoes, fried catfish, fries, hushpuppies and fried onions... and of course beer. A girl could seriously make herself sick on all of that.


I’ll be honest, I ate more than my share. There was just so much there and I couldn't let it all go to waste (I guess it'll have to go to my waist instead). Now, I am thinking I might have over done it. I don't think I will have to eat again until Sunday, and then I will probably binge on Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. But let’s get back to the crawfish boil.

The thing is, I like my crawfish to have a little bit of a bite so not only do I want them cooked with a double dose of crab boil, I like to have a pile of Tony Chachere's to dip my crawfish tails in. It works out for us because not everyone likes 'em as spicy as I do. Tonight's crawfish were good; they weren't superhot—they didn't burn the skin off of my fingers or set my lips on fire or anything—but with a little Tony's they were definitely tasty.

Wonder if there’s still some left… Can someone go get the Tony’s?

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Nothing kills a buzz like realizing you just did something truly stupid.


I just had one of those moments... I was sitting here just chilling; reading party posts on a group page (seriously steamy stuff) and sipping on some bubbly (okay drinking straight from the bottle). When I find out that one of the authors that is hosting this party is having a giveaway. So, I dutifully go to the page and click on the link to enter in the drawing. I'm clicking on links, liking Facebook pages and following Twitter links all willy-nilly when I realize that my Twitter isn't logged in. It was my fifteen-year-old daughter's account.


This is not good. I think about all the things that these authors have been posting tonight and realize I’m in big trouble. I’m not a prude and I’m pretty open to discussions about sex but, there are some things that I would prefer she not know about—ever. So I send her a text apologizing for being a lush and an idiot and I tell her to go unfollow all the stuff I just clicked on because honestly, she's still too young to reads those kinds of books.


I think it is safe to assume I lost my bid for mother of the year tonight...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Nothing Else Matters

"So close no matter how far; couldn't be much more from the heart; forever trust in who you are and nothing else matters..."

Yeah, as soon as I pick the title for today's blog, Metallica starts playing in my head. I guess that is what happens when music is a big a part of your life but honestly, it fits my day.

Today was a pretty successful day for me on two fronts.

I managed to get some writing done today! It was the first time in a few days that I've been able to tackle my muse and make it do something productive. I finally feel like I’m finding my direction with this story. I have a long weekend, so I'm hoping that I will continue to make progress. There is so many other things I need to do but right now, I really need to get this story out.

My other big success for today was our first ball game. We didn't win, but I was so proud of my girls. I shoulder a lot of the responsibility for the loss mainly because it's coach pitch and unfortunately, I'm the pitcher. But despite my terrible pitching, the girls managed to get some great hits and they show great potential in the field. I am super excited about this season because I know these girls are destined for great things. My goal with them is to help them learn the game; they have the talent, I just want to help them utilize it.

All the other stuff in my life will work its self out, but right now, I’m feel like the important stuff is on track.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


As much as I would love to be able to run a marathon, I fear that that lofty goal is still firmly out of my reach. I intend to get to that point, eventually, but it is going to take a while. It might help if I actually pull myself away from the computer long enough to pull on some running shorts (that is if I could find them) and hit the pavement.


Then there is the other kind of marathon I should be doing... you know, the one where I manage to finish my novel--any of them. It might help if time to devote to a writing marathon. I really should park my butt in front of the computer, only pausing when someone pokes food at me or for the rare potty break, so that final word count, but right now I'm lacking time and motivation, or maybe it's just energy that is eluding me.


Right now, the only type of marathons I'm interested in are the ones that involve maxing out my Kindle memory or clearing all the back episodes of my shows I have stored on the DVR. Of course, sleeping for twenty hours or more sounds pretty damn good right about now. I wonder if they make a sticker for that...


Monday, April 14, 2014

Living Lives

It's true, one life isn't enough. This is why I read and why I write.


I read because it gives me the chance to be a princess, which is something all little girls dream about being but few are lucky enough to be. On the other hand, I can be a ballerina or a figure skater, which would have been a viable dream, if there wasn't a magnet between my butt and the ground. Reading give me a chance to fly across the galaxy and learn the way of the Jedi, or fly on a broom and cast spells or even battle Napoleon's army on the back of a dragon thus satisfying my inner nerd. I can be a bounty hunter, a detective, a cop or even a lawyer and protect people from the grip of crime. I can fall in love over and over again. It is an amazing feeling.


With my writing, I can take it even further. I get to explore the parts of me that still yearn to get out. I can deal with my inner diva, the part of me that always wanted to be on the silver screen. I can open the restaurant that dominated my dreams for the better part of ten years. I can be a doctor or a musician or whatever else catches my fancy and the best part, once I get to the end of the story, I get to change my mind about who I am and do it all again.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kiss Me

There is so much that goes on between a couple in the course of a romance novel. While there are plenty of scenes that describe the physical part of a developing relationship, for me the most telling part is the description of the kiss. Whether it is slow and sweet or hot and passionate, the first kiss between the couple sets the tone for the rest of their romance.

Any time I read about a budding romance, I think about the beginning of my own, over seventeen years ago. I remember the first date, the anticipation and the nervousness. I remember walking along the riverbank that night, standing at the water's edge and wondering if he was going to kiss me. I flirted shamelessly, hoping he would take the hint but he didn't make his move right away. Instead we walked some more, talking about anything and everything. Finally, he came to a stop and pulled me in. That first kiss was sweet, unsure, and full of promise. It was a pretty good indicator of how our relationship would develop.

I strive to create a similar experience for my future readers. I want them to make that emotional connection with my characters. I want them to read the scene and feel like they are the one thinking, Please, just hurry up and kiss me!


Friday, April 11, 2014

Just Shoot Me...

I think they do it on purpose... 

There is a massive conspiracy taking place in my house. My husband and my children are trying to drive me crazy. Every night they try their best to push me over the edge. I guess by now, I should expect it. The same exact thing happens every single night. I make the mistake of asking them what they want for supper and their response... "I don't know."

Now, I'm a pretty decent cook and I love to cook, but for the life of me, I cannot cook an I don't know. I have looked for the recipe for several years and I still have no clue where to begin. I am tired of racking my brain trying to figure out what to feed these monsters. I’d rather stand in front of a firing squad.

The problem is that I live in a house with several picky eaters. There are maybe two meals I can cook that I know every member of my family will eat. Guess what? That gets old pretty quick. I know I could be one of those mean moms, but honestly it ain’t gonna happen. My mom didn’t do that to us, I’m not going to do that to my kids.

Well tonight I just decided to give up. I am tired and if they won't tell me what they want to eat, then I'm not worried about it. They are either going to have to fend for themselves or go hungry for tonight.

Maybe tomorrow they will be a little more helpful.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


When I start making notes on a new story line, end up making all kinds of lists. Character names, characteristics, backstories, plot... these are all very normal things. Then there are the more bizarre lists—like the one that details the things I intend to research.


Today I was typing up several pages of hand written notes, which is a nightmare in of itself. I have the worst penmanship and I often have a hard time deciphering my own handwriting. As if the headache inducing scribble wasn't bad enough, when I copy these notes, I actually have to think about what I hastily scribbled on the page. This is the unsettling part of the process because I’m forced to think about how my mind works.

While I realize that a story may take me anywhere, this particular list is a little out there even for me. Right now, my WIP has me deep in the mind of a psychotic killer. This killer is seriously scary and more than a little crazy and as I look through the list of things I want to know, I briefly wonder if I, too, might be crazy.

I mean, it isn't exactly normal to want to know how temperature or dehydration effects blood flow or what motivates someone to mutilate a victim. Why do I want to write a story like that? It’s just insane. But honestly, writing it serves a purpose. It is more than just a thrill or a way to get the blood pumping; it is a way to face things that I wish I had the power to change. It is an outlet for anger and pain—a way to fight off the madness that lives inside us all.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Help, I need somebody. Help, Not just anybody...

I hope that the title alone is enough to get the Beatles song stuck in your head but just in case it wasn't, I provided the opening lyrics. I'm thinking of making it my theme song. That song has been playing on a continuous loop in my head all day long.

See, this week, is my first week in a new classroom and if that weren't difficult enough, it is state testing week. Just in case you want to know just how horrifying that is, I'm pretty sure that Hell looks an awful lot like a junior high school during standardized testing.

As if the endless hours of complete silence during the actual test weren't bad enough, then teachers have to endure the rest of the day, trying in vain to impart some wisdom on the restless adolescents. Then today there was the two hour faculty meeting after school...

Guess who cracked open a cold one when she got home?

I guess that is how I will survive this madness... I'll just get by with a little help from my friends.

Maybe I just need to go ahead and make the Beatles my life soundtrack...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I think I have a problem. I have always had a tendency to jump in without looking and right now, it is biting me in the butt.

A month ago, I was just a wife, mother, substitute teacher, and writer. It was a good life, an easy life.

Now, I have managed to seriously overload myself. I added coach to the mix when there weren't enough volunteers for my youngest child's age group. Okay, no big deal, I can roll with it. Then I decided that working on one novel at a time was for slackers so I decided to started a new project when April's Camp NaNo rolled around. Okay, now things are pretty busy, right?

Then the next thing I decide I just have to do is this wonderful A-Z challenge. I have had some trouble because I have never blogged before. This is all new territory for me. I am loving it though. It is very challenging and it is making me think differently about things. The problem at this point is prioritizing so that I don't fall too far behind. It isn't impossible but it definitely isn't easy.

Then yesterday, when I'm getting ready to leave work, I get asked to take over a class for the rest of the school year. I am already juggling so many balls, but what the hell-- it's only five weeks. I agree to take the position. So now instead of just showing up and handing out worksheets, I get to write lesson plans and go to faculty meetings and do all the other stuff that teachers are severely underpaid to do.

I can't blame anyone but myself. I'll just close my eyes, take a deep breath, and take the leap. I'm just hoping that my parachute opens. Geronimo!

Monday, April 7, 2014


Whether or not you believe in fate, it seems to be a prevalent element in fiction. The idea that two people are meant to be is a driving force in many stories. The couple will overcome any obstacle and get their happily ever after simply because that is the way it is meant to be. I, personally, believe in fate. I deliberately use the concept in my own writing. In fact, I have an entire series in progress that hinges on it.

The series that I am working on uses the more than just the concept of fate; it actually involves the Fates. I am talking about the Moirae or the Greek Fates—the three sisters that are responsible for spinning, measuring, and cutting the threads associated with mortal life.

I don't remember if there was actually a myth about what they did with the threads or if it was just something I once saw on a cartoon, but I like the idea that the threads were used to weave a tapestry. I have taken the idea and run with it. I currently have four stories mapped out for this story line, each one centering on the fates of its central characters. The first one is close to completion and is currently entitled You & Me & Tequila Makes Three. I hope to finish it soon. This particular story has been stewing for several years and I can't wait to share it with the world.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Emotions, Empathy, and other E words

Considering how emotionally unstable I’ve been today, today’s topic should have been a no brainer, but at eleven o’clock at night, I’m sitting here trying desperately reaching for a topic. So what do I do? I start perusing the dictionary for something that starts with an e, other than elephants.

The first word I find is epic. I start wondering if I should rant about the overuse of the word. Gripe about how contemporary usage is vastly different from the traditional meaning of the word, but honestly, that would just make me seem like some over educated dork so I move along. Then I come across the word ego but I’ve already written about creating characters and figured that psychoanalysis would be a little too much at this point. Don’t get me wrong, the part of me that thrives on literary analysis really wanted to do it but I don’t want to scare people away just yet so I continue looking. Finally, I come to the word empathetic and an idea is born.

I know that not all people are naturally empathetic but for me, being able to identify with the thoughts and feelings of others is easy. Sometimes, like when I read or write, I really want to be able to identify with the characters. I actually enjoy becoming emotionally vested in the lives of fictional characters. I know that it is never an easy journey but I want to ride that emotional rollercoaster. I want to fear for their wellbeing, weep for their losses and cheer for their triumphs. A well-written story makes me feel everything the characters feel and that is my aim with my own writing. I want to make others feel what these characters have gone through. It isn’t enough to tell their story; I have to make it as real as possible.

Friday, April 4, 2014


I don't know about the rest of you but I love drama...

As long as it is either on the page, the stage, or on the silver screen, I can deal with it. In the real world though, I don't have the time or the inclination to deal with drama.

Being a writer, I have to use a certain amount of drama in my work. This can be problematic at times because I find that I will often begin to dislike my own characters because they are being drama queens (or kings). When writing these scenes, I try to think about how I would handle the situation if I were actually living through it.

Quite often I find myself thinking I would rather cut ties with the person causing the drama rather than deal with it. The problem is that if I did that in my fictional world, it would damage the story I'm trying to create. I have no other choice; I have to learn to deal with drama.

I guess, in a way, writing is therapy. It helps me deal with a real life struggles and makes me face my own shortcomings—like impatience and intolerance. I guess when it comes down to it, I figure if I can lean to deal on paper, then maybe I can learn how to confront drama in my everyday life.

And with teenagers in the house, it is definitely a skill I should try to master...

*insert sarcasm font*

The next ten years oughta be fun.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Creating Characters

When I decide to write a story, one of the first things I have to do is come up with a cast of characters. This is really one of my favorite parts of the writing process.

Finding the right characters to tell the story is very important. They have to be dynamic, complex, and above all, believable. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn’t base some of my characters on real people. (Trust me, if you were around my friends and family for ten minutes, you’d understand.) Thus far, I haven’t created a character that is solely based on only one person. I guess you could say I tend to play mad scientist. I take various characteristics from different people and combine them to make one new person—kind of like my own Frankenstein’s monster.

Now comparing my characters to the creature in Shelley’s novel isn’t just a commentary on the patchwork I do to make my characters, it is also an accurate depiction of what happens once they come to life—I lose all control. Once the story begins, they are very much alive and they don’t always want to do as they’re told. It gets frustrating at times—having imaginary friends that won’t play with you—but at times like that, I realize how much of myself I put in my characters.

I am argumentative, impetuous, stubborn, idealistic, pessimistic, impatient, and easily distracted; I guess it makes sense that my characters would inherit at least some of those qualities. As much as I hate to pass my flaws onto my characters, it does seem to make them more human, more believable. So I just have to deal with the imperfect minions that I have created and help them make their own way in my little make-believe world.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



No, it’s not the zombie apocalypse—at least, not like you’d think. Instead of hordes of rotting undead shambling through and devouring the masses, there just one extremely tired writer. And after the day I had, I am seriously wondering where my brain has gone.

Here’s the current situation:

Spring break was last week and instead of getting things done and getting my life in order like I swore I’d do, I spent an entire week staying up too late and sleeping in. Not that I didn’t deserve a little R & R (believe me I did) but the damage of my decisions are seriously kicking my butt this week.

My sleep pattern is thrown off so I’m getting 3-4 hours because I have to get up before the chickens to get the kids on the buses each morning. I’m working all week (and I knew about this way before the break) and I’m holding softball practice—I coach 7 & 8 year old girls… 14 of them—three days this week to prep for Saturday’s ball games. As if that wasn’t enough, I managed to sign myself up for the A to Z Blog Challenge AND Camp NaNo for April.

Today I was too exhausted to get much writing done. I did manage to add 200+ words to my NaNo story and then at 11:30 p.m. managed to crank out this blog post. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.

Zombie Out

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

All About Adelyn

Since this is a new blog, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is Adelyn Piper. I am 34 years old and I live in Louisiana with my husband and four children. My family is the most important thing in my life. My kids are funny and smart and extremely quirky; they make me laugh, drive me crazy, and they keep me on my toes but I wouldn't have it any other way. My husband has managed to put up with me for seventeen years and believe me when I say that is an accomplishment worthy of recognition.

I am a bit of a spaz. I often trip over flat surfaces and fall over for no reason at all. Holding a simple conversation with me can be difficult—I have the attention span of a flea and I can tune people out without even trying. I am very loud and opinionated and I often say things I shouldn't and I will argue with a brick wall when I think I'm right. I laugh at inappropriate times and have a sense of humor that quite often gets me into trouble. I also cuss, a lot and even though I'm well over 18, my mother threatens to wash my mouth out with soap (and honestly, most of the time I believe she would).

Now that I have confessed to my sins, I guess I should tell you some of my more redeeming qualities. I am an avid reader and I collect (okay, hoard) books the way most women collect shoes and fashion magazines. I love music and listen to most genres. I do play guitar and piano and attempt to sing on occasion. I am a huge sports fan and I love fantasy football. I am also Disney addict and I cry at some point during every animated film. I love to cook. Oh yeah, and then there is this writing thing I do…

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mental Pictures

Over the years, I have had many people question my reason for keeping my nose stuck in a book. There are so many other hobbies out there, why settle for only one?

The answer is simple—I read because I like the pictures.

Now, I am not talking about the pictures you find in many children's books. No, I'm talking about the ones that I see in my mind as my eyes consume the words on the page--the mental pictures. You see, I was blessed with a very vivid imagination. With a few simple words, wonderful pictures begin to form in my mind. As I read, I can clearly see the distinct features of each character and setting. I watch the story as it unfolds in my mind, better than any movie could be.

Every book I open leaves me forever changed. The stories and their pictures become a part of me, their details eternally imprinted on my imagination. It was a great arrangement, for a while. After consuming thousands of books over the years, I decided I was no longer content with simply chronicling the works of others in my mental pictures; I wanted to create my own. I wanted to become an author.

The first step was the easiest—creating my own mental pictures. I could easily see them, the characters and scenes I needed. I could hear their voices; I knew their minds; and I could feel their joys and pains. I began contemplating the stories brewing in my head and worked on crafting stories so I can share my mental pictures with you.

I am still working on these stories, perfecting them so that they are ready to share with readers like myself who love nothing more than to escape reality and watch the moving pictures in their minds.